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Hypatia’s Ghost

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40″ x 75″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 2.01.2018

Thanks To
Myra Pantoja for the modeling
Hypatia's Ghost: The Real Story

She came into the age at head and foot, her heart to follow.
Her false magic was in her eyes, her mouth and her beauty.

A creature of her time, the first Valkyrie to arrive mid-century,
she disguised herself as the raconteur of all things modern and urbane.

With roots anchored in Alexandria and Rome,
her true magic was premeditated
and always employed in service of her mission.

She was committed to the spread of unconditional love,
giving no quarter to practitioners of anything less.

Under her breath, she sang a song not yet written.

Are you thirsty?
I bring water

Can you see me?
Call me daughter.

Are you hungry?
I will feed you

Are you naked?
I bring clothes

I’m your mother
and your father

your sister
and your brother

I don’t know you
but I feel you

Can you see me?
Can I love you?

Background Notes



Hypatia, a Hellenistic Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, and inventor,[6] who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, then part of the Eastern Roman Empire.[7] She was the head of the Neoplatonic school at Alexandria, where she taught philosophy and astronomy

20th century

An actress, possibly Mary Anderson, in the title role of the play Hypatia, c. 1900

In the 20th century Hypatia’s life and death was cast in the light of women’s rights and she was adopted by feminists.[156] The author Carlo Pascal claimed in 1908 that her murder was an anti-feminist act and brought about a change in the treatment of women, as well as the decline of the Mediterranean civilisation in general. Dora Russell, the wife of Bertrand Russell, published a book on the inadequate education of women and inequality with the title Hypatia or Woman and Knowledge in 1925.[16] The prologue explains why she chose the title:[16] “Hypatia was a university lecturer denounced by Church dignitaries and torn to pieces by Christians. Such will probably be the fate of this book.”[16]

Hypatia’s death became symbolic for some historians. For example, Kathleen Wider proposes that the murder of Hypatia marked the end of Classical antiquity,[157] and Stephen Greenblatt observes that her murder “effectively marked the downfall of Alexandrian intellectual life”.[158] On the other hand, Christian Wildberg notes that Hellenistic philosophy continued to flourish in the 5th and 6th centuries, and perhaps until the age of Justinian I.[159][160]

The thirteenth and final episode of Carl Sagan’s 1980 PBS series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage relates a heavily fictionalized retelling of Hypatia’s death, which results in the “Great Library of Alexandria” being burned by militant Christians.[107] In actuality, though Christians led by Theophilus did indeed burn the Serapeum in 391 AD, the Library of Alexandria had already ceased to exist in any recognizable form centuries prior to Hypatia’s birth.[161]

As an intellectual woman, Hypatia became a role model for modern intelligent woman[156] and two feminist journals were named after her:[156] the Greek journal Hypatia: Feminist Studies was launched in Athens in 1984,[156] and Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy was launched in the United States in 1986.[156] In the United Kingdom, the Hypatia Trust has compiled a library and archive of feminine literary, artistic and scientific work since 1996.[16] An extension of the trust has established the Hypatia-in-the-Woods retreat in Washington State, where artistic, business and academic women can spend time to work on projects.[16]

Judy Chicago’s large-scale art piece The Dinner Party awards Hypatia a place-setting.[162] Major works of twentieth century literature contain references to Hypatia,[16] including Marcel Proust’s stories “Madame Swann At Home” and “Within a Budding Grove” from In Search of Lost Time, and Iain Pears’s The Dream of Scipio.[16]

21st century[edit]

Hypatia’s life continues to be fictionalized by authors in many countries and languages.[16] In Umberto Eco’s 2002 novel Baudolino, Hypatia is a beautiful and intelligent woman with pale skin and blonde hair, whom the main character falls passionately in love with and attempts to seduce,[16] but is surprised to discover that she has goat-legs and is half-satyr.[16] Charlotte Kramer’s 2006 novel Holy Murder: the Death of Hypatia of Alexandria portrays Cyril as an archetypal villain without an ounce of good.[16] Hypatia is repeatedly described as brilliant and beloved[16] and she humiliates Cyril by demonstrating that she knows more about the Christian scriptures than he does.[16] Ki Longfellow’s novel Flow Down Like Silver (2009) invents an elaborate backstory for why Hypatia first started teaching.[16] Youssef Ziedan’s novel Azazeel (2012) describes Hypatia’s brutal murder through the eyes of the monk Hypa, who witnesses the incident.[16] In The Plot to Save Socrates (2006) by Paul Levinson and its sequel Unburning Alexandria (novelette, 2008; novel 2013), Hypatia turns out to have been a time-traveler from the twenty-first century United States.[163][164][165]

The 2009 movie Agora, directed by Alejandro Amenábar and starring Rachel Weisz as Hypatia, is a heavily fictionalized dramatization of Hypatia’s final years.[161][166] The film, which was intended to criticize contemporary Christian fundamentalism,[167] has had wide-ranging impact on the popular conception of Hypatia.[166] Unlike previous fictional adaptations, Agora emphasizes Hypatia’s astronomical and mechanical studies rather than her philosophy, portraying her as “less Plato than Copernicus”.[166] It also, more than any other previous portrayal, emphasizes the restrictions imposed on women by the early Christian church.[168] In one scene, Hypatia is sexually assaulted by one of her father’s slaves, who has recently converted to Christianity,[169] and, in another scene, Cyril reads a verse from 1 Timothy 2:8-12 forbidding women from teaching.[169] Near the end of the film, Synesius warns Orestes that he must abandon his friendship with Hypatia in order to retain his faith as a Christian.[169] The film also portrays Cyril and his monks as swarthy, bearded men with covered heads clad in tattered black clothing,[169] resembling media portrayals of the Taliban.[169]

The film, however, also contains numerous historical inaccuracies:[161][169] It wildly inflates Hypatia’s achievements[107] and incorrectly portrays her as having discovered proof to support Aristarchus of Samos’s heliocentric model of the universe,[107] for which there is no evidence that Hypatia ever even studied.[107] It also contains a scene based on the final episode from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos in which Christians burn the “Great Library of Alexandria”, once again ignoring the historical reality that that library no longer existed during Hypatia’s lifetime.[161] The film also strongly implies that Hypatia is an atheist,[107] a notion directly contradictory to the surviving sources,[107] which all portray her as a devoted follower of the teachings of Plotinus, who taught that the goal of philosophy was “a mystical union with the divine.”[107] The film also misrepresents Hypatia’s age;[170] she is thought to have been in her 50s or 60s at the time of her death,[170] but Agora portrays her as a young woman.[170]

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A plausible story

Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 2.01.2018

Thanks To
Myra Pantoja for the modeling
Rosita's Story

Their collaboration had marked the high point of her career and their unwavering loyalty earned an invitation to join her in a new life.

They settled into a routine and ultimately she would live for decades with the doves as her only companions, her friends, her partners in titillation. Their adoration helped ease the love lost when she left the stage.

In a salmon-colored bungalow behind a spray of bougainvillea, under a ceiling of palm and eucalyptus, she policed the gardens with her retinue in tow. They whispered: you will never lose your charms.

And Together they sang

What’s my line?

Where’s my mark?

Chirp – coo – whistle

You’re just fine

It’s never dark

I can flirt

I still have the look

Chirp – coo – whistle

Your charms are safe

We’re on alert

Not to worry

Not to fret

Beauty flees

But not just yet

Do you love me?

Will you stay?

Chirp – coo – whistle

Yes, forever and a day


Background Notes

Rosita Royce

Life and Times http://blog.playfulpromises.com/blog/2012/4/25/burlesque-past-and-present-rosita-royce-and-her-doves.html

NY Worlds Fair http://www.1939nyworldsfair.com/Ponderings/Rosita_Royce.htm

“What I do is something beautiful. I try to make pictures. I try to make striking formations with my doves.” Rosita Royce

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Tendai Final small

A plausible story

40″ x 75″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 10.01.2017

Thanks To
Tendai Wutawunashe for the modeling and for music
“Lightness In Being” (featuring Tendai Wutawunashe) 
with SHINE #np on #SoundCloud
Tendai Story

Wrapped in a veil of vibration and fearlessly
approaching the source,
she moved past her congregation.
watching her acolytes flock to false gods
while she explored the tremors of her being,

There was no song now,  only glorious oscillations of reality,
the pulsing of the single string, the throbbing beat a universal heart.

From the other side, she sang

If I should blink
Would you wink out of existence
Are you even real
I don’t know

There is no way back

Tendai’s performance- visualocd.com/tendai

Thanks To
Tendai Wutawunashe for the modeling and for music
“Lightness In Being” (featuring Tendai Wutawunashe) 
with SHINE #np on #SoundCloud. Lyrics above in italics 
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A plausible story

36″ x 49″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 10.02.2017

Legerdemain Story

Nicolette and Aucassin 

You may not realize it Aucassin, but she could always see you seeing her
and you could never see her without seeing yourself.

Her every pose demanded your praise, your worship, your virtuous lust. She brilliantly amplified your reactions, cloaked them in iridescence, ultimately returning them. repurposed, perfect illustrations of your shared love. Who can turn away from their own image married to such a quintessential enchantress?

Don’t be ashamed, we were all flattered that our reflections could be so dramatically elevated simply by their proximity to hers. Our last, in fact, our only defense lay in her forgiveness.

Nicco’s performance-  visualocd.com/nicco

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A plausible story

36″ x 49″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 05.22.2017

Peitho Story

A Flawless performance. Shoulders set, vulnerable hands, wispy hair and a wistful presence.

Lips parted, neck protected, and eyes, eyes, eyes in charge.

The birds, her partners and companions, her most blatant deceit, a strategic alliance supporting imperial ambitions.

Her imitation of decoration was simply a disguise, a sparkling veil concealing subtle coercion.

No one knew. No one could see. We were all in love at every turn.

Pietho’s performance- visualocd.com/peitho

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Top Brass

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Top Brass
A plausible story

36″ x 49″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 05.22.2017

Top Brass Story

A permanent pose. Top brass. Intentional and considered. Accompanied by base drums and minor tremors. Imperial by design. Dominant by instinct.

The strategic deployment of beauty, weaponized in support of a breathtaking intelligence.

Alliances chosen by calculation, formed with deliberation. Armor donned, love and desire locked and loaded.

Navigating every space with regal strides, her retinue of muscle in tow,

gorillas reduced to escorts.

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A plausible story

52″ x 40″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 05.22.2017

Emergent Story

A Naiad of the first order captured in the most revealing position, limbs askew, hair on fire, torso in transit.

Jealous, dangerous and carnal. Almost pleading, her gaze discloses her dilemma; a recurring sensation that she is emerging, transitioning from one liquid reality to another with no confidence that she can fully materialize in either.

With a glittering appeal, she pulls her devotees from wet fantasy to wet fantasy, seducing the unsuspecting with color and form.

Emergent performance- visualocd.com/emergent

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A plausible story

36″ x 49″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 05.22.2017

Legerdemain Story

They hung around and around, dancing, teasing, bickering. “Who dreamed you? Who dreamed me?” It could have been the sugar ponies who conjured the magic glasses, but does it really matter?

The woman inside the girl always ran the show and she always picked the painter.

She spoke for the crew, their requirements were fixed.

Improbable colors on skin and hair, nails and tails, iridescent, inescapable. Luxurious invitations to linger, red raspberries with blue blood below milky skin, small shivers, hooves and hats of imperious smoke. Dewy and salty rainbows of light. Girlish Goosebumps. 

They demanded, “Devine Static” She demanded magic.

Legerdemain performance-  visualocd.com/legerdemain

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Snow White

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Snow White;
A plausible story

24″ x 60″
Mixed Media on Wood Panel
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 05.22.2017

Snow White Story

She asked herself over and over,
How much longer could she perform?
Yes, the role had been created for her,
and yes it still paid the bills,

but she worried lately if it was, in fact, she who had been created to fulfill the role.
Like a broken pair of stilettos that have grown painful beyond all measure,
the part, just when it should have been retired,
has surged to the fore obliterating what remained of her aspirations.

Her performance is now self-defining, leaving her constantly suspended somewhere between elation and exhaustion, wondering if this has become her final act and knowing for certain that the show will never close.

Snow White performance – visualocd.com/now-white

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Not So Straight and Narrow

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Not So Straight and Narrow;
A plausible story

24″ x 24″
Mixed Media on Acrylic Sheet
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 01.22.2017

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

A Story in Text

Emotional previews of adventures to come
the ebb and flow of elation and despair, apathy and euphoria.

Signposts delivered in floods of feeling
accompanied by obscure images projected to a place behind his eyes.

Nine months of dreams, hallucinations really, building one on the other,
fabricators of a life.

Gifts from one being to another.

The first light he saw was golden and a world was calling him by his secret name.
Somehow the road ahead seemed not so straight and narrow.

No one had any idea what was waiting for him,
but he was obviously fortified by more than a little grace
and abundance of good cheer.

A Story in Text

Emotional previews of adventures to come
the ebb and flow of elation and despair, apathy and euphoria.

Signposts delivered in floods of feeling
accompanied by obscure images projected to a place behind his eyes.

Nine months of dreams, hallucinations really, building one on the other,
fabricators of a life.

Gifts from one being to another.

The first light he saw was golden and a world was calling him by his secret name.
Somehow the road ahead seemed not so straight and narrow.

No one had any idea what was waiting for him,
but he was obviously fortified by more than a little grace
and abundance of good cheer.

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Tiger Bomb

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Tiger Bomb

Tiger Bomb;
A plausible story

40″ x 40″
Mixed Media on Acrylic Sheet
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 01.22.2017

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

A Story in Text

A tiger grazed the painting.
He slipped his showy stripes.
He Brushed them with his fur and smeared them with his jaw.
He Brushed them back and forth,
swabbed and daubed them with his paw.

He left his stripes
He left his prints
his mischief he left behind.
And an un-expected hint of violence
he left for us to find.

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Detour; a plausible story

23″ x 23″
Mixed Media on Acrylic
Date 09.21.2016

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

The Whole Story in Text

Oh, Are you kidding
This looks pretty bad,
I can’t go back. Not now
Shit Where am I
It looks familiar
Might have been here before
I could really be in trouble this time.
No help in sight
No help in sight

Is that a way around.
wait yah yah
Could be
Don’t get stuck
Don’t get stuck
Don’t get stuck
I don’t want to do that again

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emberonic final small

Emberonic; a plausible story

23″ x 23″
Mixed Media on Acrylic
Date 09.21.2016

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

The Whole Story in Text

Flying from orange to blue

I’m turned around, face to ground
I’m watching what you say and do
I fly away from another day
I fly from orange to blue

You sing and dance
You love and fight
You’re light is heat
You’re heat is light

My back is nuzzled by the cold
My feet still kissed by fire
It will be said I was getting old
so I tell you now, before I tire

Embryonic is how we start
Emberonic as the fire goes out
Despite our fear of the other hue
There is no line between orange and blue

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Splatter; a plausible story

23″ x 23″
Mixed Media on Acrylic
Date 09.21.2016

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

The Whole Story in Text

Splat, splat, splat
Thin pen or fatter splatter

from mind to hand to brush to page
from arm to fingers to pen
-where does a stroke begin

somewhere deeper -nowhere near
not in the now – not in the here
what does it matter?

Splat Splat
Scumble scrape and splatter

You think it’s you – you think it’s paint
You think, you think, you think…. You think!
The mark begins before your birth
– before the sun before the earth
It passes through you – it passes through me,

through eyes and eyes and eyes and eyes

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Pop Pop No Pop

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popnopop final small

Pop Pop No Pop,
A plausible story:

40″ x 40″
Revers Painting on Water Clear Acrylic
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 03.21.2015

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

Thanks to Andres Berrio for the reading.

The Story in Text

Pop Pop but No Pop
Can you see it? Can anyone explain it?
We have Pop on the table Pop on the label. We drive Pop. Stop and Go Pop! Stop Pop
What do you see? What do you hear?
Pop Pop Pop Pop.
Eat Pop drink Pop. Do Pop Deepak. Wear Pop Reebok
Dance Pop sing Pop Pop orangutang. Stop! Pop Pop Pop Pop
I’m Pop, you’re Pop we’re both Pop, small Pop big Pop top Pop. Stop Pop!
Little baby little Pop – War Pop d’ big Pop

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The Idea

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The IDEA; a plausible story


40″ x 40″
Mixed Media on Acrylic Sheet
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 03.21.2015

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

A Story in Text

It’s on it’s way, I’m sure it will come
and when it does I’ll know it.

It may be buried in in a jumble of noise-
competing thoughts, mis-guided musings, slightly off course.
But in between Faulty ideas and despite countless distractions it is

forming before my minds eye.
I see its boundaries still merged with confusion.
It’s guts are taking shape.
An idea born in darkness
Rising from the deep.

It’s here It’s here

It’s there, no it’s here
It’s bad, no it’s good
It’s bad no good.
It’s here

Given time it could be better maybe even great.
Regardless, time is up and it’s on it’ way.
I’m hoping it’s ok.

It’s gone it’s gone
It’s gone

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Test post

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Ok to change name of post and to adjust date. Still works after changing date. But not if private

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Dancer 5 on Channel 4

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Dancer 5 on Channel

Dancer 5 on Channel 4;
A plausible story

40″ x 40″
Mixed Media on Canvas
GPS 38.071097, -122.529782
Date 03.21.2015

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

Thanks to Andre Berrios for the reading.

A Story in Text

Many years later, the dream she could dance reemerged without warning.

She knew that seduction is always at the heart of dance..
but still… sometimes.. she found herself unable to resist the urge move.

A modest tap of her toes and a discreet swaying of her hips,
these movements were uncontrollable, an involuntary system response,
a reaction targeting a universal condition:
existential anxiety brought on by careless reflection.

Dancing, ..dancing!

Even her small movements provoked the familiar heat of elation, leaving her amazed…awe struck by the apparent shelf life of a woman’s sensuality.

Dance, Dance,Dance,Dance
Dance coming Dance Going
Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance in shorts, Dance in pants,
Dance in Short Pants
Dance Dance
Dance with Orcas, Dance with Ants
Dance in Florida Dance in France
Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance all day with the girl in white
Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance all night with the girl in red
take her home and put her to bed
Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance Dance Dance Dance

Anywhere Everywhere
Any Time Every Time
Lookin’ So Fine
Dance Dance
Lookin So Fine
Dance Dance
Lookin So Fine
Dance Dance

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24″ x 24″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
GPS 34.292246, -110.849522
Date 03.21.2000 – 05-21-2015

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

A Story in Sound

A Story in Text

January snow had brought release from a dirty sky and the persistent dribbles of a wet December
Warm sun burned its way past the cadre of wet trees, sentinels illuminating each crystal of the season’s first snow, infusing each droplet of the melt with the deceit of a false spring.

Tracks. Elk tracks, they slid downhill revealing the black results of last winter’s decay, an assault on an otherwise virginal tableau.
Each tarry hoof print was rimmed by a gaudy show of autumn leaves, gold, orange, red and yellow, and arrogant, leaves not yet resigned to their fate, sandwiched between the lustrous ice and the inevitable muck below. He imagined himself part of a majestic parade of beasts, assaulting the silence, scarring the snow, making their way through an endless dream, unaware of the darkness below.

It was not an easy thing to raise his gaze and continue his journey, and all though he finally left scene, he was determined to take the image with him.

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30″ x 30″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
GPS 35.017808, -111.402048
Date 04.21.68 – 04.21.2015

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

A Story in Sound

A Story in Text

It was only small things, moments in the rain.

He’d walked some distance in search of deadfall, looking for a perfect source of heat and light while dusk passed by on a sea of silver gray grass.
Coming upon the bones of a lone juniper and he tore a limb from its remains.
Scratching his hands on the black bark he pulled out strips of resin rich marrow, scattering the scent of turpentine and gin, and promising the bright flames of contemplation and redemption.

They were unremarkable moments littered with forgettable actions but now he claims to remember them all of a piece and oddly full of grace.

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24″ x 24″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
GPS 33.623245, -112.065926
Date 04.21.98 – 04.21,2015

Un-moored, we cycle between raw visual delight and our inescapable compulsion to find patterns, explanations or meanings. As evidenced below, the possible narratives are infinite.

A Story in Sound

A Story in Text

Silver dust rose from a chromium green sage. It crumbled to the studio floor, scattering broken stems, small bugs and a smell… camphor, bitters, the comforting aroma of rain on the desert floor.

His skin was burnt sienna with a little raw umber and flake white. There was the hint of alizron crimson arising from blood pumping just below the surface, an unbroken conduit to his heart and his imagination.

His large hands folded a soft truth around the dried plant, coaxing it into a cylindrical shape … binding it just tightly enough to hold its form but free enough to permit his quiet breath to penetrate the bundle.
There were no flames…. only the smoke and the prayer. They burned our eyes and our hearts, unexpectedly leaking into the painting where they surely left a mark.

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Passion Particle

Passion Particle

18″ x 30″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
Painterly zeal (see video)


Video Text

At the core of the painting we find evidence of a highly charged element, a kernel, a particle of what can only be described as passion.

Whether the result of an intentional artistic effort or just a fortuitous appearance, its remains are permanently embedded, although cleverly concealed, within the purported boundaries of the piece.

The particle may be a manifestation of some outside visual encounter or a more indirect experience resulting from imagination, visions, vague impressions, emotional revelations, sexual encounters or political fervor. The documentation is unclear on the subject of inspiration but leads us to believe its arrival was expected, or at least hoped for.

Shamelessly self-indulgent, its presence oscillates somewhere between contemplation, celebration and obsession.

One can only assume it attests to the peculiar sensibilities of the artist.

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Liquirizia Nero

Liquirizia Nero
30″ x 60″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
Painting for Licorice Lovers (See Video)


Video Text

The label on the tube read Liquirizia Nero, a less than subtle reference to its exotic origins. As soon as the cap was removed and enough force was applied to squeeze the thick black paste onto the marble white surface, an illusion of the unmistakable coppery sweet flavor of Licorice found its way to the back of the throat. Masquerading as star anise or fennel, it takes a surprising effort to evict it from its container.

Unlike its cousin Lamp Black, Liquirizia Nero is not composed of smoky particles suspended in a viscous medium, lamp soot afloat in mineral oil base. Instead, the Liquirizia seems more like sugary flakes of obsidian crystal, bathed in a water clear nectar and possessed of a slightly metallic odor and flavor.

There was certainly a concern that it would revert to a swirl, its classical form. He knew that once liberated from the tube, the Liquirizia needed to be quickly contained; lovingly directed to an acceptable artistic and culinary purpose. In the end, the painting is evidence he must have felt up to the task.

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Axon Terminal

Axon Terminal

30″ x 60″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
Paint on the Brain (see video)

Video Text

There was certainly a potential connection. He had to be aware the painting exhibited a kind of synaptic gap, an obvious and well understood cleaving of the physical world, only bridgeable by a combination of electro-chemical and painterly processes. The information and the colors could have easily been glimpsed within the axonal sheath and their presence would have been obvious to amateur artists and neurologists alike.
And yet the gulf remains, leaving us waiting impatiently for that ”all or nothing” leap we hunger for. It’s not clear why he was unable or unwilling to span the divide but it’s possible that the failure to do so may have been, in this piece, a salvation.

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24×24 in.
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
Revisiting a chance encounter. (see video)

Video Text

She was quite old even then and spoke very little English.

We were chasing colors when we happened on her blue pickup parked just off a bone jarring dirt track at the bottom of the ditch west of Chinle.
She had connected a garden hose to a galvanized water tank, tossing shovels and buckets and mixing boards into the surrounding riverbed. She’d located the colors she been looking for.

We joined her as she mixed Yellow Ocher, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, colors from the earth.

At the end of the day we left the riverbed much as we found it. What we took was wet and gritty covering the tools or drying in great broad flakes on the buckets and mixing boards, caked to our clothes, our bodies, our faces, and smeared all over the blue truck.

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Unavoidable Desire

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Unavoidable Desire

20×36 in.
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
A lust for recognition (see video )

Video Text

“In another lifetime, there had been a very small measure of -not really fame- but minor notoriety, a half column mention below the fold or a fluff piece in some art journal. As he began to craft a painting reflective of the sensation, it must have been disturbing how obvious it was that there was simply nothingness at its heart, maybe less than nothingness, or maybe just less than his aspirations would demand.

As the painting progressed, hot tones of elation and shame are barely contained by the dark smears of a lust for recognition. We can see color and no color swirling around the emptiness, only briefly visible, blinking in and out like some hip vacancy sign without an on/off switch. It may or may not have been intentional, but the painting, like it’s components, seems destined to cycle forever between prominence and obscurity.

Unavoidable Desire
20″ x 36″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
Thanks to:
Mr. and Ms Oranji, United Kingdom http://patriciasmithfineart.com/


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Highly Enriched

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Highly Enriched

24″ x 24″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
An unstable painting (see video)


Thanks to:
Patricia Smith, Los Angeles, CA http://patriciasmithfineart.com/

Nuclear Stockpiles

In searching for information about enriched plutonium, I stumbled on several interesting numbers and decided to try my hand at some artistic analysis:

Video Text


He said it’s one of those stories that, when fully considered, leaves us dizzy, disorientated, and deeply disappointed. The painting was tasked with the simple representation of a substance, the slightly modified product of a mineral, teased from the Congolese earth and subjected to the manipulations of our most brilliant alchemists. It proved anything but simple.

Almost immediately the painting began to exhibit instability, an unwelcome volatility. It soon became apparent that the artist had lost all control and the true intentions of the piece became manifest, treacherous and insidious in all of their terrible beauty. The painting’s colors simply devolved into heat and the form became defined by a charred, smoky darkness, only held at bay by a wavering allegiance to a higher nature. Although compelling and oddly seductive, it’s not an easy piece to consider.

Despite it’s obvious character flaws, we can’t seem to look away.

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Short Circuit

Short Circuit

24″ x 30″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet

Thanks to:
Patricia Smith, Los Angeles, CA http://patriciasmithfineart.com/

Video Text

At first he thought there might have been some kind of physical malady responsible for his symptoms:

• a flattening of the visual world,
• a preoccupation with edges; wobbly and straight, hard and soft,
• an obsession with anthropomorphic forms arising from light and shadow,
• an unhealthy, visceral, often sensual reaction to odd sets of color combinations,
• a palpable revulsion in the presence of objects that ,according to some inner and annoying muse, were without doubt misplaced, misaligned or totally un-necessary.
• and, finally, all his symptoms conspiring to inflict an exhausting distractedness.

To recognize the real condition it took just the perfect combination of excessive solitude, repetitive motion, off topic diversions and no small amount of emotional discomfort. His diagnosis was a broad but shallow form of malignant synesthesia, a short circuit if you will, allowing visual data to leak into the larger sensorium, and effectively making a normal life impossible.

Even though it was all self-inflicted, he said he has no real regrets.

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Pounce & Recoil

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30′ x 30″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet


24′ x 24″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet



Thanks to:
Madison Mendez, San Francisco
Christopher Sullivan, San Francisco
Liviu Raican, Tulcea, Romania

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30′ x 30″
Reverse painting on Acrylic Sheet
Silky Curves (see video)


Thanks to:
Madison Mendez, San Francisco
Liviu Raican, Tulcea, Romania

Video Text

Evidently there was an interesting arrangement of large cement pipes clustered near the back of a railroad construction yard, patiently awaiting their turn as temporary vessels of moving poo. For some unknown reason, the pipes caught his attention. There was a pristine elegance in the geometry of their virgin state which was sadly at odds with their disturbing fate.

And too, looking at the pipes he had the uncomfortable impression that someone had just departed or might shortly return and catch him in the act of stealing a scene.

He told me he knew there was never really any possibility that he could capture those milky curves and bend them to his purpose. Still I supposed he had to try.

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Summer 2014

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These pieces are part of a the Essential Landscape series. They are currently in post-production, lined up in the studio patiently awaiting a narrative. 

Working Titles:  See gallery of images above.
Date: June, 2014
Medium: Reverse paintings – acrylic on Plexiglas
Location: San Rafael and Tiburon, CA
Sizes: 24″ to 30″ square

If you have any questions about my work or contact me directly, As always, I appreciate your comments, interest and support.


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Spring 2014

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These pieces are part of a the Essential Landscape series. They are currently in post-production, lined up in the studio patiently awaiting a narrative.and hoping to be released by the end of the year.

Working Titles: See gallery of images above.
Date: April, 2014
Medium: Reverse paintings – acrylic on Plexiglas
Location: San Rafael and Novato, CA
Sizes: 12″ to 18″ Square

If you have any questions about my work contact me directly, As always, I appreciate your comments, interest and support.


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Santa 2013

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A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year message to each and everyone of you from Jim and Lainy K

Every New Year’s day we resolve to spend more time visiting with far flung friends and family.

It’s hard to believe another year has passed and yet another resolution goes down with a whimper. You can be sure that we’ll make the same one this year and try harder.

Sadly, it’s Christmas eve and we are sitting here with a stack of unsent cards. Hence the email. If you are collecting the cards, just leave a note below and we’ll send you a signed one.

Each year seems to get sweeter and 2013 was no exception. Trevor still lives in Berlin but has been here 6 months with his sweetheart, Christina, and working hard with Noah on a couple of business projects including Bluefoot Aerial Photography. Here a sample of his work.

Noah and Angie are wonderful parents squeezing every magic moment possible from Noah’s time at home. He made partner this year at Warburg Pincus and has to spend too much of his time on the road but he still manages to be the kind of dad we’d all like to have.  We can’t resist sharing a couple of photos starring Grayson and Tanner.

Here’s our warmest wishes that the Christmas 2013 and all of 2014  just happen to be the best ever  for you and yours.

Jim and Lainy K

QR Code as a Chop

PS– The QR codes are integral to my new series of paintings, Strokes. VisualOCD is my new blog and still under construction – please excuse the mess. If you’re used to my Western work this could be a little jarring but it’s exactly what I wanted to do this year. No predictions for the future. Jim

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Centerpoint Art Project

gray-capCenterpoint Art Project
Free archive management and websites for visual artists provided by the Knauf family.